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ERDDAP > Files

ERDDAP's "files" system lets you browse a virtual file system and download source data files.
WARNING! The dataset's metadata and variable names in these source files may be different than elsewhere in ERDDAP! You might prefer using the dataset's Data Access Form instead. ("files" documentation, including "How can I work with these files?")
[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[DIR]Parent Directory--
[DIR]AMOP_3b75_05e1_8951/--OCARINA AMOP 2014 experiment, prototype 1, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]Automatic_recognition_CNN_material/--Flow Cytometry : Fuchs et al. (2021) - Data and models
[DIR]BBWAVES_2015_proto1_02c1_999c_aa46/--OCARINA BBWAVES 2015 experiment, prototype 1, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]BBWAVES_2015_proto2_0c15_7ba6_2c7c/--OCARINA BBWAVES 2015 experiment, prototype 2, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]BBWAVES_2016_proto1_5ecc_9507_edad/--OCARINA BBWAVES 2016 experiment, prototype 1, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]BENTHOS_BERRE_compil_2450/--BERRE Observatoire GIPREB : comptages annuels d'especes benthiques - compilation
[DIR]BENTHOS_BERRE_ee62/--BERRE Observatoire GIPREB : comptages annuels d'especes benthiques - comptages par especes
[DIR]cerege_gassier_AcousticRivNN_1b57/--AcoustRivNN : granulometry estimation of a river sediment transport from acoustic pressure
[DIR]cerege_geokarla_f9b6_a49d_9df9/--GeoKarla : Geophysical and petrophysical data of the Karla impact structure
[DIR]cerege_rochechouart_a6d3_63ce_5d93/--RochElec : Geoelectrical investigations on the Rochechouart impact structure (France)
[DIR]CLAPP_CTD_OutCSV_a803/--CLAPPP : New Caledonian lagoons: CTD Profiles (CSV files)
[DIR]CLAPP_CTD_OutNetCDF_6c83/--CLAPPP : New Caledonian lagoons: CTD Profiles (NetCDF files)
[DIR]cmems_nc_cf0e_c84a_8ead/--HF radar data hourly processed in real-time of the Surface Ocean Velocity in MedSea
[DIR]CTD_Antares_CSV_2286_9e49_8e66/--CTD Profiles ANTARES station (CSV files) (lat/long : 42.485/6.06)
[DIR]CTD_Antares_NC_6fad_a064_dc26/--CTD profile ANTARES station (NetCDF files) (lat/long : 42.485/6.06)
[DIR]dataOSCAHR_dd2c_0f9d_b6b0/--OSCAHR CRUISE SADCP Tethys data
[DIR]DINEOF_59f6_b797_92a2/--HF radar daily averaged sea surface current filterd by dineof
[DIR]Emso_LO_BathyFamily_DOI2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : DOI files BathyFamily (NetCDF file in .tar.gz from 2023-09)
[DIR]EMSO_LO_BJS_ADCP_NCF_2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock, ADCP sensor (NetCDF files from 2023-09-20
[DIR]EMSO_Marmara/--EMSO / MAREGAMI Marmara All Files BPR1 BPR2 BPR3
[DIR]EMSO_Marmara_BPR_Maregami1/--EMSO / MAREGAMI Marmara BPR1 station Lat:40.8703 Long:28.5244 Depth:805m
[DIR]EMSO_Marmara_BPR_Maregami2/--EMSO / MAREGAMI Marmara BPR2 station Lat:40.7934 Long:29.0312 Depth:1225m
[DIR]EMSO_Marmara_BPR_Maregami3/--EMSO / MAREGAMI Marmara BPR3 station Lat:40.8568 Long:28.1523 Depth:1184m
[DIR]EMSO_Marmara_RCM_Maregami2/--EMSO / MAREGAMI Marmara BPR2 station Lat:40.7934 Long:29.0312 Depth:1225m, Seaguard RCM data
[DIR]EMSO_Marmara_RCM_Maregami3/--EMSO / MAREGAMI Marmara BPR3 station Lat:40.8568, Long:28.1523, Depth:1184m Seaguard RCM data
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_CSV_2014/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (CSV 2014-2015)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_CSV_2015/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (CSV 2015-2016)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_CSV_2016/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (CSV 2016-2017)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_CSV_2018/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (CSV 2018-2019)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_CSV_2021/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (CSV files 2021-07 to 2023-05)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_CSV_2024/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (CSV files from 2024-03)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2014/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF 2014-2015)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2015/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF 2015-2016)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2016/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF 2016-2017)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2018/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF 2018-2019)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2021/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF files 2021-07 to 2023-05)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2024/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF files from 2024-03)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_DOI2014/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files ALBATROSS Microcat and Aquadopp (NetCDF files in .tar.gz 2014-2015)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_DOI2015/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files ALBATROSS Microcat and Aquadopp (NetCDF files in .tar.gz 2015-2016)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_DOI2016/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files ALBATROSS Microcat and Aquadopp (NetCDF files in .tar.gz 2016-2017)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_DOI2018/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files ALBATROSS Microcat and Aquadopp (NetCDF files in .tar.gz 2018-2019)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_DOI2019/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files ALBATROSS Microcat (NetCDF files in .tar.gz 2019-2020)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_DOI2021/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files ALBATROSS Microcat and Aquadopp (NetCDF files in .tar.gz 2021-07 to 2023-05)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_DOI2024/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files ALBATROSS Microcat and Aquadopp from 2024-02
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_CSV_2014/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (CSV 2014-2015)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_CSV_2015/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (CSV 2015-2016)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_CSV_2016/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (CSV 2016-2017)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_CSV_2018/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (CSV 2018-2019)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_CSV_2019/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (CSV 2019-2020)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_CSV_2021/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (CSV files 2021-07 to 2023-05)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_CSV_2024/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (CSV files from 2024-03)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_NetCDF_2014/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF 2014-2015)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_NetCDF_2015/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF 2015-2016)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_NetCDF_2016/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF 2016-2017)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_NetCDF_2018/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF 2018-2019)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_NetCDF_2019/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF 2019-2020)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_NetCDF_2021/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF files 2021-07 to 2023-05)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Albatross_Microcat_NetCDF_2024/--EMSO Western Ligurian : Albatross mooring, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF files from 2024-03)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Bathybot_Aquadopp_CSV_2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock_Bathybot Aquadopp sensor (CSV files from 2023-09-20)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Bathybot_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock_Bathybot Aquadopp sensor (NetCDF files from 2023-09-20)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Bathybot_Microcat_CSV_2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock_Bathybot Microcat sensors (CSV files from 2023-09-20)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Bathybot_Microcat_NetCDF_2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock_Bathybot Microcat sensor (NetCDF files from 2023-09-20)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Bathybot_Optodes_CSV_2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock Optode sensors (CSV files from 2023-09-20)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_Bathybot_Optodes_NetCDF_2023/--EMSO-LO Western Ligurian : BJS_Bathydock Optode sensors (NetCDF files from 2023-09-20)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Aquadopp_CSV_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, AQUADOPP sensor (CSV files from 2017-09)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Aquadopp_NetCDF_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, AQUADOPP sensor (NetCDF files from 2017-09)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Cstar_CSV_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, CSTAR sensor (CSV files from 2017-09)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Cstar_NetCDF_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, CSTAR sensor (NetCDF files from 2017-09)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_DOI2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian DOI files MII Aquadopp,Cstar,Microcat and Oxygen (NetCDF files in .tar.gz from 2017)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Microcat_CSV_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, MICROCAT sensor (CSV files from 2017-09)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Microcat_NetCDF_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, MICROCAT sensor (NetCDF files from 2017-09)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Oxygen_CSV_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, OXYGEN sensor (CSV files from 2017-09)
[DIR]Emso_Western_Ligurian_MII_Oxygen_NetCDF_2017/--EMSO Western Ligurian : MII, OXYGEN sensor (NetCDF files from 2017-09)
[DIR]EUREC4A_fc8e_b4d5_9836/--EUREC4A-OA 2020 experiment, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]FROMVAR_142e_219c_c4aa/--OCARINA FROMVAR 2011 experiment, prototype 1, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]GIPREB_Hydro/--BERRE Observatoire GIPREB : donnees hydrologiques Niskins 1994-2023 (CSV)
[DIR]GIPREB_SondeCTD/--BERRE Observatoire GIPREB : donnees hydrologiques sonde CTD 1994-2023 (CSV)
[DIR]GL_TV_HF_HFR-MedTln/--HF radar - reprocessed data - Global Ocean, near-surface zonal and meridional velocities
[DIR]HFradar_Daily_May2012_Sept2014/--HF radar daily averaged surface currents from the MOOSE MEDTLN sites (Toulon area) over the May 2012 to September 2014 period.
[DIR]HFradar_MonthlyAveraged_May2012_Sept2014/--HF radar monthly Near Real Time Surface Ocean Velocity by MedSea (Toulon area) 2012-2019
[DIR]JULIO_520b_d701_f293/--CTD files download (csv, netcdf) station JULIO and ROMARIN
[DIR]JULIO_a3cf_97b7_7d21/--CTD Profiles station JULIO (CSV files) lat 43.13 Lon 5.25 - programme Romarin
[DIR]JULIO_ADCP_2012/--Julio ADCP current measurements, 2012
[DIR]JULIO_ADCP_2013/--Julio ADCP current measurements, 2013
[DIR]JULIO_ADCP_2014/--Julio ADCP current measurements, 2014
[DIR]JULIO_ADCP_2020/--Julio ADCP current measurements, 2020
[DIR]JULIO_ADCP_2021/--Julio ADCP current measurements, 2021
[DIR]JULIO_ADCP_2022/--Julio ADCP current measurements, 2022
[DIR]JULIOnc_b9da_4b1e_3b01/--CTD Profiles station JULIO (NetCDF files) lat 43.13 Lon 5.25 - programme Romarin
[DIR]laser-med_climato/--LaSer-MED Regional Climate Projection (1985-2100)
[DIR]lastDay_cf2a_1330_42fa/--HTMNET: Hydrodynamique et Transport de Matieres en Suspension: Niveaux Eau et Temperature
[DIR]Maupiti_all_2e8d_0018_629b/--Maupiti Hoe 2018 (CSV files)
[DIR]Maupiti_nc_e6d1_11db_50f4/--Maupiti Hoe 2018 (NetCDF files)
[DIR]meteo_climed_8bcc/--Meteorologie locale site "climed" chaine de l'Etoile
[DIR]meteo_endoume_1236/--Meteorologie locale en baie de Marseille : site Endoume
[DIR]meteo_frioul_osu_pytheas_2007_2019/--Meteorologie locale en baie de Marseille : Frioul (2007-2019)
[DIR]meteo_frioul_osu_pytheas_2024/--Meteorologie locale en baie de Marseille : Frioul (from 2024-06)
[DIR]meteo_toulon_2ce5/--Meteorologie locale site Toulon
[DIR]mio_carlotti_zooplankton_26e9_1480_c5af/--Zooplankton timeseries Marseille bay (CSV file)
[DIR]mio_carlotti_zooplankton_54fe_0d31_5b8b/--Zooplankton timeseries Marseille bay (NetCDF files)
[DIR]NDACC_2017_40c1_6fe7_88fe/--NDACC 2017 netcdf files (Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change)
[DIR]NDACC_2018_f1a2_608f_01f2/--NDACC 2018 (Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change)
[DIR]NDACC_500e_9fa6_90f2/--NDACC 2003-2018 HDF files (Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change)
[DIR]Ragas_Arfib_0a71_cf9c_8d81/--Vallee du Las (Toulon), eau souterraine
[DIR]RAW_ad9f_a831_7b69/--OCARINA - Raw Data .hdf5 files and Python programs
[DIR]Rhone_STPS_6938_d111_dd80/--Rhone : Suivi des eaux du panache du Rhone en zone cotiere (CSV files)
[DIR]Rhone_STPS_918a_9052_8a7e/--Rhone : Suivi des eaux du panache du Rhone en zone cotiere (Netcdf files)
[DIR]SIM7_3km_2001_2009_2d/--Symphonie 2D (time, X, Y) outputs "SIM7_3km_2001_2009" experiment.
[DIR]SIM7_3km_2001_2009_mesh2d/--Symphonie 2D (X, Y) mesh file "SIM7_3km_2001_2009" experiment.
[DIR]SIM7_3km_2001_2009_mesh3d/--Symphonie 3D (Z1, X, Y) mesh file "SIM7_3km_2001_2009" experiment.
[DIR]SIM7_3km_2001_2009_z1/--Symphonie 3D (time, Z1, X, Y) outputs "SIM7_3km_2001_2009" experiment.
[DIR]SIM7_3km_2001_2009_z2/--Symphonie 3D (time, Z2, X, Y) outputs "SIM7_3km_2001_2009" experiment.
[DIR]SOLEMIO_55ba_fe63_7e4a/--CTD Profiles station SOLEMIO (CSV files) lat 43.24 Lon 5.29 (SOMLIT)
[DIR]SOLEMIOnc_daad_5e27_e39a/--CTD Profiles station SOLEMIO (NetCDF files), Service d'Observation en Milieu Littoral (SOMLIT)
[DIR]soot_sea_data_f9c1/--SOOT-SEA : Impact of Black Carbon in South East Asia (CSV file)
[DIR]SOOT_SEA_Netcdf_5228/--SOOT-SEA : Impact of Black Carbon in South East Asia 2019-2020 (NetCDF file)
[DIR]STRASSE_89bd_108e_d909/--OCARINA STRASSE 2012 experiment, prototype 1, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]sumos-B21A/--SUMOS ModSpray23, seasprays distribution according B21A scheme Along Track
[DIR]sumos-B21B/--SUMOS ModSpray23, seasprays distribution according B21B scheme Along Track
[DIR]sumos-OVA14/--SUMOS ModSpray23, seasprays distribution according OVA14 scheme Along Track
[DIR]sumos-windspeed/--SUMOS ModSpray23, wind speed at 15 m Along Track
[DIR]UPCAST_b0e2_399c_6fd2/--OCARINA UPCAST 2017 experiment, prototype 1, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes
[DIR]velingaraData_f931_afeb_c06d/--VelingaraData : geophysical and zircon data acquired in the Velingara circular depression (Senegal)
[WWW]documentation.html23-Jan-2025 07:31-Documentation for ERDDAP's "files" system.

124 directories, 1 file

ERDDAP, Version 2.23
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